South Florida's Real Estate Fisherman

A Miami native, I grew up in Silver Bluff. I attended Silver bluff elementary, Shenandoah Middle,
Miami High and finished my last 2 years of high school at Turner Tech. After school I would ride my
bike through Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne and just about every neighborhood in
Miami you could think of that has access to a body of water. One of my favorite fishing spots was at the
end of Crystal View Ct. in Coconut grove. I would regularly catch Snook, tarpon, trout and
Snappers. Once I got my drivers license it was free game and I extended my prowess up the east coast of
Florida from Jupiter all the way down to Key West! I have seen first hand Miami's transformation over
the last 30 years and that has enabled me to develop a keen ability to recognize opportunities for buyers,
sellers, landlords and tenants in the South Florida Market.